Coaching Week 2011

Following the successful coaching week held in July, the Naomh Mhuire Bord na nÓg will be holding a 2nd coaching week from Tuesday August 2nd to Friday August 5th. The Bord na nÓg want to keep improving the quality of coaching during the week as we feel this is important in the development of our young players of the future. Throughout the week there will be qualified coaches from throughout the county brought in to work with the players. We also hope to have 3/4 county players at some stage during the week depending on the progress of the county team and when they are playing. The coaching will begin each day at 11am until 3pm with the emphasis on the skills of Gaelic Football. The camp is open for all children between the ages of 5 and 14. The cost is 30 euro per child or 50 euro per family. Each person who completes the week will receive a certificate and a leather gaelic ball. Also this year we are glad to announce that we have received sponsorship of t-shirts for each participant from local company TRADALAÍ EISC UÍ HANNAGAIN TEORANTA. All profits from the week will go to the Bord na nÓg and directly back to the underage teams. For more details contact Gary on 0863546193.