Jigs & Reels - March 31st 2012
There will be two big Jigs 'n Reels nights held on Friday 30th and Saturday 31st March for Naomh Muire Club Development.
The following are the confirmed dancers for Jigs n Reels to be held on March 31st 2012-
Danny Doogan, John the Hall Gallagher,Timmy Mc Bride,Gavin Boyle, Shaun Ward, Billy Mooney, Sean Mac Ruáiri (Mayor), Daniel Moore, Séan Óg Mac Ruairí,
Marie Rodgers, Bredagh Rodgers, Rosie Mc Garvey, Mary Doherty, Breda Mc Bride, Yvonne Byrne, Michelle Boyle, Roseanne Gallagher, Laura Mc Fadden, Anne Marie Boyle, Mairead Hanlon.
Other names may be added as required. This list consists of both dancers who will partner others... as well as extra act dancers.
Trainer and Director of Dancing is Fiona Gallagher
Co-ordinating Director is Brían Feda O Donnell
Musical Director is Dónal Mac Ruairí
Compere is Michelle Nic Grianna
Press and Public launch will take place at the GAA Clubhouse on Friday December 16th at 8pm.
The following are the confirmed dancers for Jigs n Reels to be held on March 31st 2012-
Danny Doogan, John the Hall Gallagher,Timmy Mc Bride,Gavin Boyle, Shaun Ward, Billy Mooney, Sean Mac Ruáiri (Mayor), Daniel Moore, Séan Óg Mac Ruairí,
Marie Rodgers, Bredagh Rodgers, Rosie Mc Garvey, Mary Doherty, Breda Mc Bride, Yvonne Byrne, Michelle Boyle, Roseanne Gallagher, Laura Mc Fadden, Anne Marie Boyle, Mairead Hanlon.
Other names may be added as required. This list consists of both dancers who will partner others... as well as extra act dancers.
Trainer and Director of Dancing is Fiona Gallagher
Co-ordinating Director is Brían Feda O Donnell
Musical Director is Dónal Mac Ruairí
Compere is Michelle Nic Grianna
Press and Public launch will take place at the GAA Clubhouse on Friday December 16th at 8pm.