Please note that the 31st of March, is the final date for receipt of membership in order to be a fully paid up member for 2013. Membership gives you an entitlement to vote at meetings and take up positions within the club.
Please note that Full Membership is a requirement for inclusion in any Ticket orders for All Ticket Matches in 2013, although it cannot guarantee the member receiving a ticket. Any non full members will only be included in ticket orders when there is an abundance of Tickets available. Membership for 2013 will be taken at the Clubhouse on Thursday the 28th of March, between 8:30 and 9:30 pm. This will be the last night of collection of Membership in 2013. This will cover Senior, Ladies and Underage. Declan Ó’Mairtín, An Runaí. Comments are closed.
February 2020