A Chairde,
Please note the re-scheduled training sessions for DONEGAL CLUB OFFICERS takes place this Monday (11th February) in Jackson's Hotel, Ballybofey from 7pm - 9:30pm In association with the Gaelic Life, Ulster GAA's annual Club Officer Development Course will offer clubs an opportunity to explore key issues relating to their role in 2013. The Plenary Session will explore the importance of good planning with clubs, to include Club Maith, Club Plans and One Club. The training will then break into five workshops: - Alcohol and Substance Abuse, - Communications and Marketing, - Securing Funds (inc Rates Relief), - Culture and Heritage - Child Protection. All Donegal clubs are asked to ensure they have representation at each workshop as this is a requirement of Club Maith. To register you should email [email protected] or phoning 028 37517 180 The following clubs had registered for the last session and all these registrations will be carried over, however if there is any change in registration from clubs they should let me know as soon as possible: Naomh Columba Bun Cranncha Carndonagh Four Masters Club MacCumhaills Naomh Ultan Dunkinneely Naomh Conaill, Glenties Naomh Muire, Lower Rosses Fanad Gaels Robert Emmetts C.L.C Castlefin Aodh Ruadh Kilcar Killybegs Red Hughs St Nauls Letterkenny Gaels Milford CLG Naomh Columba Glenswilly -- Is mise le meas, Sharon Haughey-Grimley Volunteer Development and Research Officer Sharon Nic Eochaidh-Uí Gharmaile Oifigeach taighde is forbartha deonach Comments are closed.
March 2020